Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Comprehensive example in Open ESB using File, FTP, JMS, JDBC and Soap

The last 5 articles explains different binding components (File, FTP, Soap, JDBC, JMS) usage in Open ESB. To summarize and get more understanding of each of this BC, here is a comprehensive scenario using all of these binding components. Let's define a problem that requires to use all these BCs.

Problem Description: Get the employee details from the database based on employee id and publish it in JMS. There will be two different subscribers who listens to JMS and consumes the message based on some filter logic and publish the message either on local file or on FTP server. The whole solution should be exposed as a web service so that it can be accessible to any web service client.
Let's assume that you have to implement this solution in normal application like Java/.Net. You'll have to take care of the following major things apart from business logic
  • Management of Database connections
  • Management of JMS connections
  • Management of FTP connections
  • Management of File streams
  • Web service implementations

In case, you are using SOA application all of the above are taken care by the respective binding components and user can only concentrate on the business logic.

Click here to view the complete solution in Open ESB

Below is the solution overview diagram

JMS/Messaging in Open ESB

As we know that messaging in the core technology in any ESB/SOA application, this article explains how messaging has been addressed in Open ESB using JMS Binding Component.

Follow this link to get the complete solution on the usage of JMS BC with a sample business scenario

Connecting to database in OpenESB

In any application, there is a maximum probability of using database, so here is the need on how to interact/connect with different databases from the application. There are many solutions available in each of the application like java/.Net/PHP etc., but the same need to be addressed in any of ESB/SOA application as well.

Let's see how this is addressed in Open ESB. Even in Open ESB, there are multiple solutions available like SQL SE, JDBC BC to connect to the database but this article explains the database connectivity using JDBC BC.

Follow this link to get the complete solution.

FTP in OpenESB

Previous article describes the transferring of files from one location to other location within file system with some conversion of the message using Encoders but most of the real time requirements involves upload/download of files from the remote location using the FTP protocal.

As this is common requrement in many of the SOA/ESB solutions, we are going to discuss how we can achieve this in Open ESB

Click here for the problem description and detailed solution of File Transfer using FTP protocol in Open ESB

Monday, March 9, 2009

Encoders in Open ESB

In any ESB/SOA application, message transformation like converting the message from one format to another specific format is the minimum requirement, this article describes how you can achieve this in Open ESB.

The application receives the CSV file and transforms in to XML file using Java EE Engine in OpenESB. Click here to view the complete solution

The main component used here is Encoders in Open ESB

Friday, March 6, 2009

MySQL Presentation

During Tech Fest,09 of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, I got a chance to represent Sun to present any of the Sun Technologies. I have prepared presentation on MySQL and presented the same to a group of students, professors and HODs of around 200 people on 27th Febraury, 09 (3PM-4PM).

Below are the items that were covered in presentation

  • Introduction
  • Features
  • Architecture
  • High Availability & Scalability
  • SQL Scripts, Stored Procedures & Triggers
  • Query Optimization
  • Client Interfaces
  • GUI Tools
  • Summary

Click on this link to view the presentation http://ravi-blog.googlegroups.com/web/MySQL.pdf

I was presented a memento from JNTU for this event